The Truth about Natural Wine
Let’s get real. Enough hype already!
Why “natural wines?” Especially a “movement.” What did our forebears create for centuries? They did not call it natural wine. The wine from their pure vines and grapes was free of chemical assault, now disastrous in our vineyards. The wine the entire family drank many times a day was pure wine.

Angelo’s homemade wine was also the anesthetic for the birth of Rosa’s five children in their Boston attic.
Gary Conway has stated that if anyone dumped a chemical in his Sicilian grandfather’s wine he created for his entire family (including Gary starting age 4) there would be a Mafia visit! Angelo’s wine and all our grandfathers was essential for health and took the place of the hundreds of antibiotics we take today!
You want to talk natural? Here is our natural for starters:
- Not one, but three volcanoes, unknown in any other agricultural property.
- Abundant rare volcanic magma.
- Proven bounty of macro-micro nutrients natural to the vineyard and inexhaustible.
- FDA, USDA, Cartagena Protocol compliant to qualify as pure organic.
- Exemplar of sustainability perfection.
- Never applied a petro-chemical fertilizer or so-called natural fertilizer to the soils nor ever needed.
- No application of toxic fungicides or ever required.
- Never adding chemicals to wine nor artificial flavors, colors or chemical yeasts. No chemicals from new oak barrels.
- According to decades of university, governmental and industry studies an astounding 67 minerals in the soils and whatever grows on the Estate.
- Soils unmatched as a powerful absorptive for heavy metals and toxic chemicals.
- Super soils only existing on this vineyard and inexhaustible: Calcium Montmorillonite. Nearly half of the soil on the property is Calcium Montmorillonite.
- Rare and nutrient-abundant black limestone.
- Latest university studies led by Cal Poly, SLO, resulted in the discovery of a new “wonder soil.” Over 25,000 USDA soil series reviews were conducted and not one single match was found anywhere on earth!
By any definition, the Carmody McKnight Estate Wines would be not only truly natural, but incredibly supernatural.